

Flow and Productivity


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  • Being in the flow is like water. Water still has boundaries. But it creates new paths when it encounters a limit.
  • Art is free but you have to give it boundaries to stay true to the style you exhibit
  • Today there are no rules in art today. There is too much freedom. You can lose yourself. It’s hard to define. 
  • First you must be very motivated. Burning. Intrinsically motivated. This is hard for artists because no one tells you what to do.
  • You need to have discipline.
  • Exercise.
  • Work. Sit and work. Get focused. Stick to your schedule.
  • Go to see others’ works. See movies. Research.
  • You see different approaches than yours. 
  • Compare and contrast your work. Be critical about it.
  • Works called Untitled are not fully communicated
  • You need to be very connected to the present
  • If you’re blocked, you can’t create. You need to be emotionally levitated so you can create. Be connected to the emotions, smells, stories of your time. Communicated it emotionally. You create emotions & feelings as an artist. 

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